ROSS EUROPA - worldwide, synonymous with top quality
Electro Peneumatic Solutions has in its portfolio the company's products with a long tradition and proven quality. Ross Europa is wholly owned by the global tire company Ross Controls, based in Langen, near Frankfurt. The company was founded in 1960, and today has over eighty employees at its headquarters. It has about thirty representatives and sales offices located throughout Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Ross Europa develops and manufactures high-quality pneumatic valves and components, as well as complex control units used in almost all areas, focusing on the automation of machinery and equipment.
To solve individual customer-specific problems, Ross Europa offers a complete service from a single source, electronics. This range of services covers project planning, computer-aided design and fully automated production, as well as the provision of ready-to-use control systems. Rich technological knowledge based on decades of experience, as well as the economical application of state-of-the-art production processes have ensured that Ross enjoys a reputation as an excellent and quality player internationally.
Ross Europa offers a wide range of pneumatic components for all applications. The focus is on durable, robust and reliable products, even in difficult working conditions
ROSS designs and delivers “industry standards” of safety products for pneumatic energy insulation (LOTO) and reliable control double valves for the metal pressing industry and the general manufacturing sector.
Electro Pneumatic Solutions, as a distributor of the world's leading manufacturer ROSS, offers the following products in its wide range:
- Inline-mounting Valves
- Base-mounting Valves
- Double valves
- Dale Valves
- Proportional valves
- Safety valves
- Manually and mechanically operated valves
- Flow and check Valves
- Pinch Valves
- ROSS / FLEX Special Solutions
- FRL / Air Preparation Products
- Special purpose cylinders
Glass packaging industry

Ross Europa develops, manufactures and distributes high-quality pneumatic valves and components, as well as complex control units for the glass packaging industry. Ross strives to continue to set standards through constant investment and product development. One of the most prominent valves for the glass packaging industry is certainly the "apoppet" valve technology.
These valves are designed for many repetitions, high temperatures, high speed and consistency in large changes during the life of the valve, durability in difficult conditions.
Safety industry

Ross safety technology also has a long tradition. For nine decades, Ross has been designing and delivering a wide line of high quality safety products and controls.
All of Ross’s safety-related products meet all legal regulations and directives, and in many even exceed the required standards.
Press industry / metal forming

Ross is the world's leading manufacturer of standardized products and pneumatic controls for use in the metal forming industry, and a large selection of innovative products has been developed specifically for this industry.
In the mid-1950s, Ross was the first tire manufacturer to offer twin valves for the press industry, making a significant contribution to improving safety standards in this segment.
Steel industry

Ross valves and air treatment devices are recognized worldwide as the steel industry standard for reliability, repeatability and robust design.
Aluminum industry

The aluminum industry requires pneumatic equipment to work in harsh conditions, which includes exposure to high temperatures and corrosive materials.
Ross offers a wide range of reliable, cost-effective products that cover a large number of smelter requirements, such as: breaking, opening boiler doors, anode lifting, boiler knocking and the like.