NOVUS N1020 Regulator temperature
NOVUS N1020 Regulator temperature
N1020 ima mikroprocesor visokih performansi, koji može kontrolisati složene i kritične procese kroz samoprilagodljivi PID kontrolni algoritam koji prilagođava PID parametre i postiže najbolji mogući odgovor za PID kontroler.
NOVUS N1020 USB Temp. controller, 1 relay out, 48x24 mm;8102020000

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NOVUS N1020 24V USB RS485 Temperature Controller, 1 relay out, 48x24 mm; 8102024000

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NOVUS N1020 USB RS485 Temp. controller, 1 relay out, 48x24 mm; 8102020010

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NOVUS N1020 24V USB RS485 Temperature Controller, 1 relay out, 48x24 mm; 8102024100

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NOVUS Differential temperature controller

(Na stanju)
NOVUS N1020 Regulator temperature
N1020 Regulator temperature Regulator temperature
N1020 ima mikroprocesor visokih performansi, koji može kontrolisati složene i kritične procese kroz samoprilagodljivi PID kontrolni algoritam koji prilagođava PID parametre i postiže najbolji mogući odgovor za PID kontroler.
Prednji panel ovog procesnog kontrolera ima dimenzije 48 k 24 mm i pogodan je za aplikacije sa ograničenim prostorom za montažu. Prihvata više tipova termoparova, Pt100 i 0-50 mV.
Moguće je konfigurisati regulator temperature pomoću prednje tastature ili USB interfejsa (u ovom slučaju, pomoću KuickTune-a, besplatnog softvera za konfiguraciju kompanije NOVUS). Kada koristite USB interfejs za konfigurisanje uređaja, N1020 regulator temperature ne mora da se napaja sa zadnjeg terminala.
- Version with RS485 serial communication
- Power supply: 100 to 240 Vac/dc or 12 to 24 Vdc / 24 Vac
- USB interface 2.0, CDC class (virtual communications port), USB conector: mini B, Modbus RTU protocol
- High brightness red LED display
- Universal input: thermocouples, Pt100 RTD and 50 mV
- Auto-adaptive PID control
- PID parameters auto-tuning
- Dual output: 1 pulse and 1 relay
- Output funtions: control, alarm 1, alarm 2
- Configurable alarms with 8 different functions
- Alarm inhibit function at start up
- Programmable timer
- “F” key with 3 possible functions
- Soft-start function
- Measured value offset
- Minimum and maximum limits for SP setting
- Minimum and maximum limits for output value
- Access password for configuration protection
- Factory calibration settings restoration feature
- Silicone keypad
- Front pannel: IP65, polycarbonate UL94 V-2
- Enclosure: IP20, polycarbonate UL94 V-2
- CE and UL certifications