NOVUS N20K48 Micromodule ClickNGo 2 Relay Outputs 5 A (2 slots); 820KCG12R5
NOVUS N20K48 Micromodule ClickNGo 2 Relay Outputs 5 A (2 slots); 820KCG12R5...
Cena bez pdv-a: 2.833,32 |
Cena sa pdv-om: 3.399,98 |
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NOVUS N20K48 Dock with 8 slots for ClickNGo micromodules; 820KCG00DK
NOVUS N20K48 Dock with 8 slots for ClickNGo micromodules; 820KCG00DK

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NOVUS N20K48 Micromodule ClickNGo 3 Digital Outputs (1 slot); 820KCG13DO
NOVUS N20K48 Micromodule ClickNGo 3 Digital Outputs (1 slot); 820KCG13DO

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NOVUS N20K48 Micromodule ClickNGo 3 Digital Inputs (1 slot); 820KCG13DI
NOVUS N20K48 Micromodule ClickNGo 3 Digital Inputs (1 slot); 820KCG13DI

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NOVUS N20K48 Micromodule ClickNGo 1 Relay Output 16 A (2 slots); 820KCG1R16
NOVUS N20K48 Micromodule ClickNGo 1 Relay Output 16 A (2 slots); 820KCG1R16

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NOVUS N20K48 Micromodule ClickNGo 1 Analog Output (1 slot); 820KCG11AO
NOVUS N20K48 Micromodule ClickNGo 1 Analog Output (1 slot); 820KCG11AO

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NOVUS N20K48 Micromodule ClickNGo RS485 Interface (1 slot); 820KCG2485
NOVUS N20K48 Micromodule ClickNGo RS485 Interface (1 slot); 820KCG2485

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